Sistema Canal de Denúncias para Pequenas Empresas

Solution used by

over 2,000 customers

in 37 countries

Pioneer in the implementation and management of ethical values, which have become fundamental in conducting business, for over 10 years.

Learn how to hire in 3 steps

used by

over 1,000


in 37 countries

Pioneer in the implementation and management of ethical values, which have become fundamental in conducting business, for over 10 years.

Learn how to hire in 3 steps

Previously, many entrepreneurs treated a Reporting Channel as unnecessary and only understood its real need when labor lawsuits, harassment and fraud cases stood out from the results.

In this scenario, Contato Seguro, headquartered in Porto Alegre, has been a pioneer in the implementation and management of ethical values ​​for over 10 years, which contribute to the improvement of coexistence in the company, in addition to having become something fundamental in conducting business.

Who’s behind all this

Some of

our leaders

Who’s behind all this

Some of

our leaders

The pillars of your new success

Discover the main benefits of Contato Seguro

Canal de Denúncias para Pequenas Empresas

Increase in the company’s income

Canal de Denúncias para Médias Empresas

Reduction of financial losses and labor claims

Canal de Denúncias para Pequenas e Médias Empresas

Improvement in the working climate,
preventing conflicts

Plataforma Canal de Denúncias para PMEs

Competitive advantage
in public procurement



results with

Contato Seguro

Reduce financial losses, improve the work environment and gain competitive advantage.


great with




Reduce financial losses, improve the work environment and gain competitive advantage.