Sistema Canal de Denúncias para Pequenas Empresas

Discover the
benefits of an


Reporting Channel

Achieve more results and security with a customized solution for the company and employees.

Learn how to hire in 3 steps

Discover the benefits of an


Reporting Channel

Achieve more results and security with a customized solution for the company and employees.

Learn how to hire in 3 steps

Aumentando resultados com Canal de Denúncias para grandes empresas

Increase in the company’s income

Prevenção de processos trabalhistas com Canal de Denúncias para grandes empresas

Prevent labor lawsuits, harassment and fraud

Provide a healthier work environment

Gain a competitive advantage in
government contracting

One step ahead

Prevents and Detects Irregularities

Our Reporting Channel for large companies is able to help the organization to see and solve irregularities such as harassment, fraud, bullying, among other problems that are susceptible to happen with any business.

Why hire Contato Seguro?


of our

Reporting Channel

Why hire Contato Seguro?


of our
Reporting Channel

Sistema de Gestão de Canal de Denúncias para grandes empresas

Affordable and transformative

A management
system customized
to your company's needs

Hire efficiency

in the prevention and

detection of irregularities

Have a team at your disposal to automate manual tasks and integrate systems in an agile and effective manner.

Hire efficiency

in the prevention and detection of


Have a team at your disposal to automate manual tasks and integrate systems in an agile and effective manner.